All your personal data collected is treated with the strictest confidentiality. Isabelle Lippitsch / KARUNA CACHEMIRE is committed to respecting and protecting your privacy.
Information collection
We collect personal data on the website necessary for billing and delivery of your order. This information includes your name, address, telephone number and email address.
Isabelle Lippitsch / KARUNA CACHEMIRE is the sole owner and responsible for the data you provide us with in accordance with the applicable data protection law.
Isabelle Lippitsch
2416 route de St Laurent
06610 LA GAUDE
SIRET : 877 513 812 00017
CODE APE : 4782Z
Your data will not be sold, exchanged, transferred or given for marketing purposes or to parties outside of the company.
A cookie is a small file saved in your browser while you visit the website and then retrieved during your subsequent visits. Cookies store information about browsing a computer on a website and are intended to improve access to our website. They do not allow user identification. The user may refuse the installation of cookies, which may result in the impossibility of accessing certain services.
By using our website, you consent to our privacy policy.
+33 (0)6 81 24 24 80